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Andrew Scott

Andrew Scott

Orbital Marine Power
Chief Executive Officer


Andrew Scott has worked in the marine renewables sector for over 15 years within two pioneering
Scottish R&D programmes which have seen more than £100 million invested in
technology innovation, marine engineering, and product commercialisation. He worked with Pelamis
Wave Power for over 10 years prior to joining Orbital as CEO in 2015 where he leads on
corporate strategy and business planning as well as overall management of the Orbital team.
Andrew remains closely involved across all aspects of technology development at Orbital; helping to
provide challenge and vision to the development process. As CEO he is also responsible for leading
the outward facing functions for the company; working extensively with external stakeholders,
public and private, to grow the value of Orbital and progress the commercial development for the
emerging tidal sector.

Andrew is currently a board member of the Ocean Energy Europe trade association. He has a degree
in mechanical engineering from Strathclyde University and a postgraduate MSc in Energy from
Heriot-Watt University. In 2019, he was awarded the Lennard-Senior prize for outstanding
achievement in the field of marine energy. In 2020, he was named one of the Top 20 CEOs in the UK
of 2020 by The CEO Publication.

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