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Laura  Stachel

Laura Stachel

We Care Solar
Executive Director and Co-Founder


Laura E. Stachel, M.D., M.P.H., Executive Director, the co-founder of We Care Solar, is a former obstetrician-gynecologist with fourteen years of clinical experience. She holds an MD from the University of California, San Francisco and an MPH. in Maternal and Child Health from the University of California, Berkeley. She is currently a candidate for a DrPH degree at UC Berkeley. Laura was the Associate Director of Emergency Obstetric Research in West Africa for the Bixby Center for Population Health and Sustainability. She was the P.I. on a MacArthur Foundation project on We Care Solar Suitcase usage in Nigeria and Uganda, and was co-investigator for a collaborative Population Council study that assessed the standard of maternity care in Nigerian state hospitals. Laura was a staff researcher at the Blum Center for Developing Economies at U.C. Berkeley. She serves on the Editorial Board for the Berkeley Wellness Letter and co-chaired an international working group on Energy and Health for the UN Foundation. Laura has won numerous awards including 2019 Zayed Sustainability Prize, 2017 UN Momentum for Change: Lighthouse Award, 2017 Drucker Prize, Bloomberg New Energy Pioneers, the 2017 National Energy Globe Award, the 2015 UN DESA “Powering the Future We Want” Award, the 2015 UBS Optimus Award, the UCSF Alumni Award, the UC Berkeley School of Public Health Influencers Award, the C3E Leadership in Developing Countries Award, and the Top-Ten 2013 CNN Heroes award, and many others.

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