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Olaedo  Osoka

Olaedo Osoka

Daystar Power Group


Olaedo is currently the Chief Executive Officer (Ghana) of the Daystar Power Group. Olaedo has a track record in the successful execution of strategy, management and scaling of nascent businesses. She has demonstrated the ability to build teams, lead, operate and communicate comfortably across all levels within organisations and navigate complex regulatory and stakeholder environments.

Olaedo is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Daystar Power, one of the largest commercial and industrial renewable energy (RE) companies in West Africa. Olaedo oversees the company’s expansion outside of Nigeria. She was previously the youngest female CEO in the RE industry in the region.

Olaedo has spoken around the world including at the G20 Investment Summit and is passionate about creating an inclusive industry. Olaedo holds a distinction and a first class honours from the London School of Economics and the University of Essex respectively.

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