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Phil Caldwell

Phil Caldwell

Ceres Power


Phil joined the Ceres Power in September 2013 as CEO. He was previously Corporate Development Director at Intelligent Energy Limited, a company specialising in PEM fuel cell systems, where he led commercial and strategic business development activities, including securing OEM partners, executing licence deals and joint ventures. Prior to joining Intelligent Energy, Phil was responsible for business development for the Electrochemical Technology Business within ICI. He has a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, holds an MBA from IESE Barcelona and  is a Sainsbury Management Fellow.

Ceres Power is an AIM-quoted alternative energy company based in the UK, developing fuel cell technology for use by original equipment manufacturers and partners organisations committed to developing distributed energy generation applications.

Ceres Power has developed next generation metal supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell technology with sector leading cost potential and robustness which operates on mains natural gas or packaged fuels.The unique Ceres fuel cell technology operates at 550-600°C and uses low cost steel substrates and interconnects which enable both cost-effective manufacture of cells and the potential for reduced costs in the balance of plant and system.

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