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Thomas Schumann

Thomas Schumann



A native of Frankfurt am Main, Thomas Schumann® is a pioneer in sustainability. His birthplace, Germany’s financial capital, and the 2015 world’s most sustainable city according to the Sustainable Cities Index inspired his path.

​Thomas discovered his passion for sustainability in 1985 when he helped pioneering the world’s first circular economy for American denim jeans while building his first business of importing recycled Levis 501 denim jeans from the U.S. to Germany. in 2011 Thomas’ passion for positive social, environmental, and financial impact evolved to Water when he supported water technology companies and large-scale California desalination projects with their financing needs. He then realized that helping global capital markets integrate water risk into investment decisions, providing insights, thought leadership, and investable products to mitigate financial climate and water risk is the most impactful path to advance UN Agenda 2030, “Transforming our world”, specifically UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 “Water Security”.

To fast track global sustainability and positive impact Thomas utilizes his other passions for endurance sports, triathlon, livelong health, fitness, and wellness to maintain daily peak performance.

Thomas Schumann®’s thought leadership, expert advisory, image and likeness are available to corporates, financial institutions and governments that seek alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 100% of Thomas Schumann® licensing, expert advisory and endorsement proceeds are tax deductible re-investments into charitable organizations that advance UN SDG 6 ‘Water Security”.

For every $1.00 invested in safe drinking water and sanitation, the World Health Organization estimates returns of $3-$34.

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