Extreme Weather

Welcome to the hottest and coldest summer of your life

Welcome to the hottest and coldest summer of your life

Is there a place for beef in a climate-friendly future?

Is there a place for beef in a climate-friendly future?

India’s 120 F degrees. Worst drought in America since 800 AD. Now that is extreme

India’s 120 F degrees. Worst drought in America since 800 AD. Now that is extreme

China’s new Solomon Islands pact highlights how ignoring climate change affects security

China’s new Solomon Islands pact highlights how ignoring climate change affects security

XDI’s research shows most companies underestimate and under-report the costs of climate change

XDI’s research shows most companies underestimate and under-report the costs of climate change

Despite Code Red on climate change, we are running in place

Despite Code Red on climate change, we are running in place

Siberia’s wildfires scorch the permafrost and cloud the Arctic

Siberia’s wildfires scorch the permafrost and cloud the Arctic

America’s drought-fuelled fire season: “Unyielding, unprecedented, costly”

America’s drought-fuelled fire season: “Unyielding, unprecedented, costly”

The Podcast: Energy guru Amory Lovins says you can get jazzed about renewable energy

The Podcast: Energy guru Amory Lovins says you can get jazzed about renewable energy

This summer, climate change got real

This summer, climate change got real

Climate change gets personal

Climate change gets personal

From massive attack to mobilization: David King

From massive attack to mobilization: David King

Billions of sea creatures perished in Northern Hemisphere heatwaves

Water scarcity: a growing risk for companies and investors

Water scarcity: a growing risk for companies and investors

Insurers have no choice: Swim or drown

Insurers have no choice: Swim or drown

Wake up, people! There is no planet B.

Wake up, people! There is no planet B.

‘Godzilla’ Saharan dust cloud drifts toward U.S. 

‘Godzilla’ Saharan dust cloud drifts toward U.S. 

Climate change linked to pregnancy risks. Black women most affected. 

Climate change linked to pregnancy risks. Black women most affected. 

Ancient lake in India mysteriously turns pink, baffling scientists

Ancient lake in India mysteriously turns pink, baffling scientists

U.S. Army proposes $4.6 billion wall to protect Miami from rising seas

U.S. Army proposes $4.6 billion wall to protect Miami from rising seas